North Wales
 Members Work.


Links and Exhibition


Diary and Meeting ....



There will be no meeting in August - Ni fydd cyfarfod ym mis Awst

         October 13th                    Hydref 13eg

Meetings start 2.00 pm -Cyfarfodydd yn cychwyn am 2.00

For venue, please keep an eye on web page


I formed the Group over 12 years ago as a forum for photographers who love the medium of black and white.  Here they can show their work, disseminate information, and generally share all aspects of their craft.
One of my primary objectives was, and will remain, informality.  I book the location and notify members of meetings, all they have to do is attend on the day.  Having a pathological dislike of committees etc, I have tried to ensure that those who attend can relax, and show their work (or simply look at the work of others), without being involved in the politics that plague most clubs and organisations. 
We are a very friendly group with no “inner circle”; we do not hold competitions, and hopefully avoid any kind of pressure or conflict.  Numbers attending usually range from 20 to 30, and levels of expertise range from beginner to expert.  Both darkroom and digital workers attend, and consequently there is a huge bank of experience that members can draw from – help is always available.




We would very much like you to visit us, where you will be assured of a warm welcome in a relaxed atmosphere.
For further information, please Email me at:                                   






